Greatest lesson in life

"The greatest lesson in life is to teach or be tought the ability to reason."-Blythe Linger-

Thursday 4 July 2013

Thing's happen for a reason

I so often find myself saying "I wish I never did that or I wish that never happened" but if you think about it, everything we go through moulds us to an end product of who we are in the end. Its much like the wind blowing up against stone and moluding it. We may think that we have it tough or everything bad happens to us. But was it really bad? Did that very thing not make you realise something, or maybe even give you a better knowlage that you didnt have before? If we approach everything we do with the attitude of "im going to get so much out of this" and even though it may not be what I want, it will make me a "richer" person, opposed to im just going "to get hurt" or im just going to "get the raw deal" of it. We will come out a much richer person. Ive found myself in situations where I found myself regretting, but thinking about it now, I wouldnt be the person I am today with out it. So instead of living with regreats and bad merories in the past just think of how it enriched your future #TheBoyWhoTouchedTheHeaterNeverDidItAgain

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