Greatest lesson in life

"The greatest lesson in life is to teach or be tought the ability to reason."-Blythe Linger-

Wednesday 6 June 2012

Hail to the thief #2

So I realize that I’m a bit delayed with my response to this “Spear” painting. I’ve being monitoring the media and all, listening to people’s opinions on whether Brett Murry (the artist) and the Goodman gallery are in the wrong or right, or is the ANC party and leader taking this a bit too far?  Is the President infringing on the rights of the people? And is Mr. Murry infringing on Mr. Zuma’s rights? One throws the race card in… the other throws the religious card and then some others play the “disrespect to cultures” card.

With the title “president” comes great pressures and responsibilities. As a leader and especially one of a country, it is obvious that you would have to watch your every word, you’re every move and every reaction, as the country will be holding you responsible! As we all know Mr. Zuma has said some… well to be quiet frank, he has said some really dumbass things! We can go back to the “shower the aids off” story or comments he has made about the homosexual community and culture, not to mention underlining racial nudges he has made from time to time. So yes Mr., Zuma be prepared to take it like a man when it bites you in the arse –if you can dish it out make sure you can get it back- then we have the corruption within the government and some of the heads of various departments. And of course who must answer? The leader, the president. It’s just the way it is. Now I’m not saying the ANC is the only party that have corruption or who make uneducated statements, but they are the leading party and unfortunately they are in the spotlight and are under scrutiny from the public.
So when a respected artist decides that he would like to express how he feels about the current situations in the country I think he has just as much right as Mr. Zuma had when he slandered the homosexual community as well as embarrassing a nation by saying aids can be washed off in the shower, and chanting “kill the Boer” (lead by example?) and that’s just a few… so yes Brett Murry had every right to express his feelings the way he did.
Was this painting of Jacob Zuma’s genital offensive to him and his family as well as his culture? Well yes it was! Of course it was! Who wouldn’t be offended? He was probably just as offended as the homosexual community was and as offended as the Afrikaans community felt, as well as everyone else he has offended in his “up in the air statements”. In SA we have many different race’s, cultures and creeds and it is impossible to –at one time- not offend everyone, someone will always be offend in some way.
In the end we can learn a lot about one in their response to particular situations and how they react. Do they blow up and become defensive? Do they “turn their check”? Or do they use their power to make something seem bigger than what it is? It is very clear that  the ANC and their leaders have used their power to bring a halt to society… and to fight against the very rights that South Africans have –Freedom of Expression-  those children marching and protesting… why where they not in class ? Why where all the people protesting not at work or studies trying to better themselves? And in that, uplifting our county. It’s simple, it’s because the “leaders” we as South Africans look up to for guidance and leadership are encouraging childish public acts of display and once again making uneducated decisions.
I’ll leave this subject with these words: Jacob Zuma’s reaction aside from his previous ones tells us a lot about his leading styles… does he lead by example? And does he just use his power to shift focus?
How many rapes; murders; starving children; houseless families; communities without schooling; communities who have no access to running water or electricity have we missed? What about the gentleman or lady lying in pain in hospital waiting for an operation that could save their life, but they cannot afford it? Surely these all have more importance than a painting of a leader’s penis?
Where is our concentration being shifted? And why are we allowing this?
Come on leader! Come on “father of our nation”! Encourage us to uplift our nation as one! Stop encouraging this segregation and rebellion!

What about the freedom that was once promised?

Picture Source:
-Blythe Linger-

Tuesday 5 June 2012

Rights? or Yeah Right!

Hail to the thief

 Bill of rights from:
Pictures from: